Thursday, January 22, 2015

Green Beans!

Just finished canning a 26 pound case of gorgeous green beans. I ended up with 32 quarts! I found the  green beans at the international market for $15. I would prefer to grow my own....and that certainly would be cheaper, but I've not been able to have much of a garden for the last two years. I'm hoping to try again this year. Until then, I look for inexpensive bulk items to can. My favorite source is the state farmers market. Nothing like getting 100 pounds of tomatoes for less than $10! Or 50 pounds of carrots for $7! I get goosebumps just thinking about that. Did I mention that I love canning? There are also several international markets in my area that sell cases of produce at incredibly good prices. And the orchards.....soooooo many local apple orchards! I can quite a bit of applesauce. So garden or not, I'm able to can year round. That makes me very happy! 

32 Quarts of Green Beans! 

My Canning Pantry

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