Monday, May 25, 2015

The Sunroom Project

Finally got the pillows finished. May add a few more when I find the right fabric.  Will be working on a few throws & lap quilts, too. 

Hoping to find a silver tea service for this room, too. 

Still working on painting the cherubs to match the candle holders on the shelf. Also hope to add a book of the artwork of the Louvre to this room.  Such a lovely place to have tea or a glass of wine. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Rainy Day

It's cold and it's raining out. And very windy. I've been sitting by the fire with a blanket and coffee all morning. I can't seem to get warm. Really wish I could spend the day like this, but I have obligated myself to work the ALR booth at the Bike Show this afternoon. That wouldn't be quite so bad if they just served a proper afternoon tea. (Apparently, bikers don't generally have afternoon tea) So....I will leather up and work the Bike Show. I might just pack a thermos of hot tea and a scone to take with me, though.

Favorite Rainy Day Stuff

Black Currant Scone, Strawberry Jam, Mock Devonshire Cream

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Green Beans!

Just finished canning a 26 pound case of gorgeous green beans. I ended up with 32 quarts! I found the  green beans at the international market for $15. I would prefer to grow my own....and that certainly would be cheaper, but I've not been able to have much of a garden for the last two years. I'm hoping to try again this year. Until then, I look for inexpensive bulk items to can. My favorite source is the state farmers market. Nothing like getting 100 pounds of tomatoes for less than $10! Or 50 pounds of carrots for $7! I get goosebumps just thinking about that. Did I mention that I love canning? There are also several international markets in my area that sell cases of produce at incredibly good prices. And the orchards.....soooooo many local apple orchards! I can quite a bit of applesauce. So garden or not, I'm able to can year round. That makes me very happy! 

32 Quarts of Green Beans! 

My Canning Pantry

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Razzleberry Jam!

I found some beautiful berries on sale this past weekend, so I decided to make a batch of Razzleberry Jam. The recipe usually calls for raspberries & blackberries. I did not find blackberries, so I used strawberries & blueberries with the raspberries instead. It smells and tastes just like a raspberry tootsie pop! Yum!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Few of my Favorite Homemaking Quotes

"I enjoy doing housework, ironing, washing, cooking, dishwashing. Whenever I get one of those questionaires and they ask what is your profession, I always put down housewife. It's an admirable profession, why apologize for it. You aren't stupid because you're a housewife. When you're stirring the jam you can read Shakespeare." ~ Tasha Tudor

"...when he walks in that door, I want him to feel that he's really home. What he doesn't realize is that what feels very casual is, in fact, quite deliberate: the music is playing, there are flowers everywhere, and chicken and onions are roasting in the oven."
                          ~ Ina Garten

Monday, January 12, 2015

Foggy Day!

By Carl Sandburg

The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Home Management

Today, I'm updating my home management binder, and planning my menu for the week. I've had a cold for the past several days, so I really don't feel like doing much else. We still have to eat, though.
So, I've got some Moroccan lentil & chickpea stew simmering on the stove for lunch & I'll use the last of the French bread I made a few days ago to make garlic toast  to go with the stew. I do need to make fresh bread of some sort today.....I'll most likely grind some Ezekiel flour, and use that to make some bagels. I'll post photos when I get them finished. Have a blessed day!

Planning The Day

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

On Nonsense, Writing, and Afternoon Tea

         "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." -Roald Dahl
I love nonsense. Not the crude, vulgar, nonsense that is the norm today. I love good old-fashioned childish nonsense. As I write this, I am watching Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" for the gazillionth time. It is one of my absolute favorites. While it bears very few similarities to the book, it is, nonetheless, a gloriously nonsensical work of art. I admire Mr. Burton's creativity and vision very much. Creativity inspires creativity. And so, I write. 
          On any given day, at precisely 2:00 p.m., you will find me with three things in my hands....a
          lovely cup of tea, a writing utensil of some sort, and a notebook. There will either be "classical"
          music, or one of my favorite movies playing softly. There will also be two spoiled Dachshunds      
          in my lap, waiting for their fair share of my teatime treats. As I sip my tea, I write. My journals
          (I have 36 completed journals at last count) contain everything from scripture study (there's
          quite a lot of scripture study in each one) to grocery lists, and recipes I've created, movie and
          book reviews, what I made for dinner, soap labels, tea bag packets, candy wrappers.....there's
          no telling what you will find. I, myself, am often surprised when I look back through them.
          You will find some serious stuff, such as daily notes as to the weather, as well as the precise
          times of the sunrise, sunset, and what  phase the moon happens to be in. I'm such a nerd, but it
          is pretty awesome to look through those old journals, and reminisce. One thing I've noticed, as    
          I look through those old journals, is that each day has a "theme"

         When I wake up each morning, there is a "theme for the day" in my head. Not exactly
         sure as to why, but it makes for an interesting life! (there's that nonsense stuff again!) I'm quite
         happy with it. Who wants to be normal anyways? So, for today, it's all about  curiouser &
         curiouser, Alice, Mad Hatters, and tea. And, in case you were wondering just how a raven is
         like a writing desk, it's because they both have inky quills. You're welcome.    

         Fairfarren, All

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Getting Started

 I've had this blog for several years now, but haven't done anything with it. I hope to get it up & running soon. It's just gonna be about me being me. I will be posting photos of myself & my adventures. Thanks for visiting! Xoxoxo